Roundtrip - Notice history

All systems operational

EasyRoutes - Operational

100% - uptime
Jul 2023 · 100.0%Aug · 100.0%Sep · 100.0%
Jul 2023
Aug 2023
Sep 2023
100% - uptime

Shopify → Shopify Admin - Operational

Shopify → Shopify API & Mobile - Operational

100% - uptime

Twilio → SMS Messaging - Degraded performance

Cloud services


Google Cloud SQL - Operational

Google Cloud Storage - Operational

Google Compute Engine - Operational

Third Party: Mapbox → Maps → GL JS - Operational

Third Party: Mapbox → Maps → API - Operational

Notice history

Sep 2023

App Update Required: Earlier versions of EasyRoutes Delivery Driver may experience authentication issues
  • Completed
    October 03, 2023 at 4:06 PM
    October 03, 2023 at 4:06 PM

    Our authentication platform has been upgraded. Update to the latest version of EasyRoutes Delivery Driver if you are experiencing an authentication issue on an older version of the driver app.

    Refer to Where can I download the EasyRoutes Delivery Driver app? as well as Troubleshooting sign in issues for details on how to upgrade and verify that your drivers are able to sign in.

  • In progress
    September 29, 2023 at 4:00 PM
    In progress
    September 29, 2023 at 4:00 PM

    We are in the process of improving our authentication platform increase end-to-end security and limit potential fraud and abuse of our systems. As such we now require all EasyRoutes Delivery Driver users to upgrade to version 1.0.28 or later.

    Refer to Where can I download the EasyRoutes Delivery Driver app? as well as Troubleshooting sign in issues for details on how to upgrade and verify that your drivers are able to sign in.

Jul 2023 to Sep 2023
